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‘A Smoking Gun’: Infectious Coronavirus Retrieved From Hospital Air


11 Supposedly Fun Things We’ll Never Do the Same Way Again


For Doctors of Color, Microaggressions Are All Too Familiar


New story in Health from Time: The World Records Its 20 Millionth Case of COVID-19

There are a lot of ways to try to capture grim milestone the world crossed Monday night when it recorded its 20 millionth case of COVID-19. It’s two Swedens, four Irelands, 10 Slovenias. It’s greater than the entire population of the state of New York. The outbreak that began in Wuhan, China in December 2019 has now spread to 188 countries and regions, touching every continent but Antarctica. The U.S. continues to lead the world in total cases, having crossed its own milestone—to 5 million—on August 9. Brazil comes next, with 3 million; followed by India at 2.2 million; Russia at 890,000; and South Africa, at 560,000. Global death tolls have now surpassed 732,000, led again by the U.S., at over 163,000. Among the top 20 countries—a list which also includes Mexico, Peru, Spain, the United Kingdom and Pakistan—there are some small but encouraging signs. Five-day moving averages are trending down in 11 of those hard-hit spots, with the U.S. among those showing some faint i

New story in Health from Time: Trump’s Executive Order About U.S.-Made Drugs May Not Enhance Public Safety the Way It Should

Pharmaceutical manufacturing has long been a dirty business. The antibiotic-laced wastewater , and other pollutants it leaves behind, is just one of many reasons that so many American drug-manufacturing plants closed up over the last few decades and moved to places like Hyderabad, India, and China’s Zhejiang province, with their low labor costs and minimal regulations. But drug manufacturing in those remote outposts has been dirty in another way, as I learned from a decade of reporting that culminated in my book Bottle of Lies: the Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom . The FDA’s own inspection records , as analyzed by FDAzilla, reveal that drug plants in China and India are more likely than those in the U.S. and Europe to manipulate data about quality to make substandard low-cost drugs appear compliant with good manufacturing practices, standards required for export into the U.S. and other developed markets. On August 6, President Trump signed an executive order to en

New story in Health from Time: Confirmed Coronavirus Cases in U.S. Children Rose By 40% in Two Weeks This July, Bringing the Total to Almost 340,000

As decision-makers weigh whether to reopen U.S. schools this fall, they face a daunting reality: COVID-19 appears to have surged among American kids this summer. On July 16, there were approximately 242,000 confirmed cases in children; by July 30, that number rose by over 97,000, an approximately 40% increase, according to a new report. That translates to an increase from 319 cases per 100,000 American children to 447 cases per 100,000, in just two weeks.   The report , from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children’s Hospital Association, counts nearly 340,000 total confirmed cases in children as of July 30. Recently, evidence has emerged that COVID-19 seems to not to produce as severe symptoms in children as it does in adults, which has given new justification for communities and lawmakers to push to reopen schools for in-person classes. However, these new data , compiled by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children’s Hospital Association, are a

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